
Showing posts from August, 2021

A World of Better B2B Commerce with CPQ Tools

In this industry-oriented world that we are living in today, digital is the new way of life. This is very understandable too, as competition is at an all-time high, while the COVID-19 pandemic topping it off with its impact on the global economy. B2B commerce has been essaying a pretty crucial role in putting the manufacturers of complex products on the map. The dominance of digital began its rapid rise in 2019, where the global value of the B2B commerce market was estimated to be more than 6 times that of its B2C counterpart. As far as customer experiences are concerned, it’s one other factor that now needs the constant attention of the manufacturers, which is the perfect place to introduce CPQ in the midst of it all. CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) Because B2B businesses deal with large product orders and product offerings, the slightest of errors can prove to be costly, not just in terms of your price, effort, and time, but also in ensuring that a customer will not be returning t